Wednesday, 7 December 2011

the trilogy (part 1)

Two years ago, a dear friend invited me to her birthday party. It was a small affair. Bossom friends, music and maybe some drinks is what she had said. Being young, i assumed this would be the worst party ever, in fact, i remember a conversation with another of the invitees discussing how ‘awkward it will be having to make conversation and listen to soft rock’ how awful!

Two years later, there is nothing i want more than descent conversation and good music.
Until recently, i have been afraid of happiness. i have been bashful of any event, that would awaken my soul. Warm embraces would be stored in the pits of the closet. Rich and colourful conversation- the kind that has you shifting in your seat excitedly or sunken in your bubble of awe- listening- have been my best kept secrets.  

I am learning though, that there exists beauty and wonder -spiralling into my spirit-in every straw of oxygen.

Past scribbles allow me the luxury of showing you how far from the thick black i have emerged.(in parts 2 and 3)

And because life is a treat...,that party, stirred a conversation that marked the beginning of one of the most beautiful relationships i have today.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate. I too had reached a point where I shut out happiness...mine was more like I was afraid to be happy...never going out not talking to people until I had my own awakening at the beginning of this year...glad to see I am not alone.

