Thursday, 8 December 2011


My friend is home after a long time.
I love her.
She understands me and all my motions perfectly. When I was lost in the stifling space of disapproval, she swam with me and saw me through the tides. She also laughed and chuckled when, at the end of a ludicrously long road, we managed to pick out the little bits of love along the way. Technology, of course, means that we talk more often than we would otherwise, but the air always tastes different when you share it with a friend.

After our brief meeting-because there can never be enough time to enjoy love- I was on my way back to a hectic space where time flies and moments are notions enjoyed only by fools.

Something was different though.

I had on me, strings of affection, kissing my heart, the way soft cotton fibers would your clothes on a windy day. It was such a light feeling, slowly feeding colour to my senses. The heat, I remember, was unforgiving but what I felt was encapsulating tenderness from nature. It was almost like I floated through streets I have often feared to walk. I saw every scent, murky and pretty, bleed into my nostrils with kindness I could never dream up.
Did I taste the architecture? Listening to the flavours build up in my mouth and explode in a delicious smile?

What was this feeling?

Bliss. Absolute bliss.

When finally, I settled into my seat, and had to respond to how I was?



‘Yes, I am fantastic.’


Why are we so scared of joy? So quick to doubt delight? Here I was, enjoying every morsel of life, and being asked to validate it.

What do I say? Do I dig into lengthy detail? How do I explain the sun’s caresses on my skin? where do I find letters to spell out this new sound of my spirit? How do I describe this without understating it?

‘Just. I am fantastic because I am alive’.


‘That’s right…awe’.

1 comment:

  1. Encore!!!! There can never be enough time to enjoy love :-)

