Monday, 14 November 2011


I was listening to a song this afternoon. One a friend played the other day that has since possessed a sweet spot of my mind. The prose of the song is nothing worth repeating but the confidence that these lines are delivered- the surety this artist has in his work- that is admirable and certainly enviable

That small, easily ignored aspect of the song, got me thinking (I feel the need to, at this point, warn the readers that I am no ordinary girl and my thoughts are provoked by trivial, at times even meaningless events)…where was I? Yes. I got to thinking. What is it that makes him, this artist, so definite, that what he is saying will be bought, consumed and repeated-as hip-hop lyrics often are- by his listeners? I don’t have the answer-but I do have two ideas.

Choice: The voluntary act to select that which is preferred.

It is safe to assume that the artist chose to believe. He Voluntarily selected courage (another beautiful word) over insecurity. Oh, how often we misuse this word. We are told repeatedly of the choices we have. How it is your choice to do this over the other; that you can voluntarily select who you love and further, how they love you. I still have irreconcilable thoughts about the former, but of the latter-how you are loved- let us dance. How do I voluntarily- do, make, bring about, undertake of my own accord- select how another person feels or to what extent they feel about me?

Worth: the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued.

In order to effectively choose, you must know what you prefer: and how do you prefer, favor and in essence discriminate unless you know what your tastes are? And how do you voluntarily select your taste unless you can understand your value-understand what you can and cannot have and why you can and cannot have?

The artist, it seems, must have the ideal brew of these two brands. He voluntarily selects audacity because he believes he is deserving of it.

In matters of love, those slippery silk matters- is it possible to employ worth and choice with equal measure. When your ideal partner does not choose you, does it mean you are not deserving of their perfection? Do you then ‘choose’ to walk away? ‘Choose’ because you are doing it involuntarily and selecting the un-preferred option of walking away from a possible future with this person.  

In those delicate matters that pull at our tendons, at times, harder than we hope, it is easier to abandon all literature, all meaning and be, as Sujata Bhatt wrote, Brunizem. Feel, see, hear and taste the experience in your own language.

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